Research Bibliography

Bloomer, M., and A.G. Detwiler, 1996: Implications from the North Dakota Tracer Experiment of 1993 for the glaciogenic seeding of supercooled convective clouds to suppress hail. J. Weather. Modif., 28, 86-91.

Boe, B.A., P.L. Smith, and R.E. Rinehart, 1994: The North Dakota Tracer Experiment: Studies of transport, dispersion, and hydrometeor development in cumuliform clouds. Preprints, World Meteorological Organization Sixth Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, May 26-June 2, 1994, PÆstum, Italy, 263-266.

Boe, B.A., 1994: The North Dakota Tracer Experiment: Tracer applications in a cooperative thunderstorm research program. J. Weather Modif., 26, 102-112.

Boe, B.A., 1992: Hail suppression in North Dakota. Preprints, AMS Symposium on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, 5-10 January, Atlanta, GA. 58-62.

Boe, B.A., J.L. Stith, P.L. Smith, J.H. Hirsch, J.H. Helsdon, Jr., A.G. Detwiler, H.D. Orville, B.E. Martner, R.F. Reinking, R.J. Meitín, and R.A. Brown, 1992: The North Dakota Thunderstorm Project: A cooperative study of High Plains thunderstorms. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 73, 145-160.

Boe, B.A., H.L. Johnson, 1990: Destabilization antecedent to a tornadic northern High Plains mesoscale convective system: a case study. Preprints, AMS 16th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Kananaskis Park, Alberta, Canada. 538-541.

Boe, B.A., and J.A. Jung, 1990: The application of geostationary satellite imagery for decision-making in convective cloud seeding in North Dakota. J. Weather Modif., 22, 73-78.

Brown, R.A., and R.J. Meitín, 1994: Evolution and morphology of two splitting thunderstorms with dominant left-moving members. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 2052-2067.

Brown, R.A., C.A. Kaufman, and D.R. MacGorman, 2002: Cloud-to-ground lightning associated with the evolution of a multicell storm. J. Geophys. Res., 107 (D19)m 4397m doi:10.1029/2001JD000968.

Brown, R.A., and K.L. Torgerson, 2003: Interpretation of single-Doppler radar signatures in a V-shaped hailstorm: Part I - Evolution of reflectivity-based features. Natl. Wea. Dig., 27, 3-14.

Brown, R.A., and K.L. Torgerson, 2005: Interpretation of single-Doppler radar signatures in a V-shaped hailstorm: Part II - Evolution of updraft interactions with ambient midaltitude flow. Natl. Wea. Dig., 29, 65-80.

Chang, W.-Y., 1994: The North Dakota squall line on July 17, 1989: structure and microphysical analysis. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Meteorology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD.

Chang, W.-Y., 1995: Radar and in-situ microphysical observations in a High Plains squall line. Preprints, 27th AMS Conference on Radar Meteorology, October 9-13, 1995, Vail, Colorado. 559-561.

Chou, H-Y, 1991: Doppler Radar Analysis of the 17 July 1989 Squall Line in North Dakota. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Meteorology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD. 88 pages.

DeMott, P.J., J.L. Stith, and D.C. Rogers, 1995: Studies of cloud-active aerosols and ice initiation in North Dakota cumuli. Preprints, AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, 15-20 January 1995, Dallas, TX, 182-187.

DeMott, P.J., 1992: Quantifying ice nucleation by cloud seeding aerosols for use in conceptual and numerical cloud models. Preprints, AMS Symposium on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, 5-10 January, Atlanta, GA. 148-155.

DeMott, P.J., D.C. Rogers, and L.O. Grant, 1992: Concerning primary ice nuclei concentrations and water supersaturations in the atmosphere. Preprints, 11th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 17-21 August, Montreal, Canada, 284-287.

Dennis, A.S., P.L. Smith, and J.R. Miller, Jr., 1991: Comments on "Further exploratory evaluations of Grossversuch IV using hailpad data: Analysis of hail patterns and stratification by storm type seeding effect". J. Appl. Meteor., 30, 901-902.

Detwiler, A.G., P.L. Smith, and J.L. Stith, 1996: Studies of thunderstorm transport processes with aircraft using tracer techniques. Preprints, Second International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, 24-27 June 1996, p I-3 - I-9.

Detwiler, A.G., P.L. Smith, J.L. Stith, and D.A. Burrows, 1994a: Ice producing processes in a North Dakota cumulus cloud. Atmos. Res., 31, 109-122.

Detwiler, A.G., P.L. Smith, J.L. Stith, and D.A. Burrows, 1994b: Observations of microphysical evolution in a High Plains thunderstorm anvil. Atmos. Res., 33, 25-35.

Detwiler, A.G., P.L. Smith, and J.L. Stith, 1992: Observations of microphysical evolution in a High Plains thunderstorm. Preprints, 11th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 17-21 August, Montreal, Canada, 260-263.

Detwiler, A.G., P.L. Smith, and J.L. Stith, 1992: Ice-producing processes in North Dakota clouds. Preprints, 13th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 24-28 August, Salt Lake City, UT, 305-308.

Detwiler, A.G., J.H. Helsdon, Jr., and D.J. Musil, 1990: Evolution of a band of severe storms. Preprints, AMS 7th Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Kananaskis Park, Alberta, Canada, 705-709.

Detwiler, A.G., P.L. Smith, and D.J. Musil, 1990: T-28 participation in the 1989 North Dakota Thunderstorm Project. Report SDSMT/IAS/R-90/05, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD. 29 pages, appendices.

Eyerman-Torgerson, K.L., and R.A. Brown, 1995: The hail spike signature in the Carson, North Dakota hailstorm of 11-12 July 1989. Preprints, AMS 27th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Vail, CO, 9-13 October 1995, 80-82.

Farley, R.D., and H.D. Orville, 1999: Whence large hail? Proceedings, Seventh WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, 17-22 February 1999, Chiang Mai, Thailand. World Meteorological Organization Weather Modification Programme Report No. 31, Technical Document No. 936, 507-510.

Farley, R.D., T. Wu and H.D. Orville, 1992: Hail production in the 28 June 1989 case. World Meteorological Organization Third International Cloud Modeling Workshop, Toronto, Canada.

Farley, R.D., H. Chen, H.D. Orville, and M.R. Hjelmfelt, 1996: The numerical simulation of the effects of cloud seeding on hailstorms. Preprints, AMS 13th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Atlanta, GA, 23-30.

Frisch, A.S., B.W. Orr, and B.E. Martner, 1992: Doppler radar observations of the development of a boundary layer nocturnal jet. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 3-16.

Helsdon, J.H., Jr., 1990: Analysis of a high positive-flash frequency severe storm (28 June 1989) from the North Dakota Thunderstorm Project. Preprints, AMS Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Kananaskis Park, Alberta, Canada. 744-747.

Hirsch, J.H., 1989: North Dakota Thunderstorm Project - 1989 Field Program Data Inventory. Bulletin 89-5, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD. 133 pages.

Hjelmfelt, M.R., H-Y Chou, R.D. Farley, and D.L. Priegnitz, 1992: Organization and development of a squall line in North Dakota as revealed by Doppler radar and numerical simulations. Preprints, 5th AMS Conference on Mesoscale Processes, 5-10 January, Atlanta, GA. 221-226.

Hjelmfelt, M.R., L.R. Johnson, A.G. Detwiler, D.L. Priegnitz, P.L. Smith, B.A. Boe, and R.F. Reinking, 1995: Radar analysis of the 15 July 1993 North Dakota record rainstorm. Preprints, AMS 27th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Vail, CO, 9-13 October 1995, 571-573.

Huston, M.W., 1991: One- and Two-dimensional Model Results Compared with Observations of a North Dakota Cloud. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Meteorology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD. 97 pages.

Huston, M.W., A.G. Detwiler, F.J. Kopp, and J.L. Stith, 1991: Observations and model simulations of transport and precipitation development in a seeded cumulus congestus cloud. J. Appl. Meteor., 30, 1389-1406.

Johnson, L.R., P.L. Smith, and P.W. Mielke, 1994: Some evaluations of the North Dakota Cloud Modification Project. Presented at the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 1994 International Summer Meeting, 19-22 June, Kansas City, MO, Paper No. 942017.

Johnson, L.R., and P.L. Smith, 1990: Estimation of convective rain volumes utilizing the area-time integral technique. Preprints, 8th AMS Conference on Hydrometeorology, Kananaskis Park, Alberta, Canada. 165-168.

Jung, J.A., 1990: Preliminary field experiments of SnomaxTM on cumulus mediocris clouds to artificially induce the production of ice particles. J. Wea. Modif., 22, 153-157 [non-reviewed].

Kaufman, C.A., and R.A. Brown, 1996: Relationship between cloud-to-ground lightning and the evolution of the Elgin storm on 11-12 July 1989. 18th Conf. On Severe Local Storms, AMS, 19-23 February 1996, San Francisco, CA. 483-487.

Klimowski, B.A., 1994: Initiation and development of rear inflow within the June 28-29 North Dakota meso-convective system. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 765-779.

Klimowski, B.A., and J.D. Marwitz, 1992: The synthetic dual-Doppler analysis technique. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 9, 728-745.

Klimowski, B.A., and J.D. Marwitz, 1992: Developing flow structure of a severe squall line. Preprints, 5th AMS Conference on Mesoscale Processes, 5-10 January, Atlanta, GA, 227-232.

Klimowski, B.A., and J.D. Marwitz, 1990: Single Doppler analyses of a severe squall line and gust front. Preprints, 16th AMS Conference on Severe Local Storms, Kananaskis Park, Alberta, Canada. 252-255.

Knight, C.A., and L.J. Miller, 1990: First 5-cm radar echoes at low dBZ values in convective clouds. Preprints, AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, 23-27 July, San Francisco, CA. 716-721.

Kopp, F.J., and H.D. Orville, 1994: The use of a two-dimensional, time-dependent cloud model to predict convective and stratiform clouds and precipitation. J. Wea. Forecast., 9, 62-77.

Kopp, F.J., and H.D. Orville, 1990: The use of a cloud model to predict convective and stratiform clouds and precipitation. Preprints, 16th AMS Conference on Severe Local Storms, Kananaskis Park, Alberta, Canada. 322-327.

Kopp, F.J., H.D. Orville, J.A. Jung, and R.T. McNider, 1990: A parameterization of the radiation heating at the surface in a numerical cloud model. Preprints, AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, 23-27 July, San Francisco, CA. J81-J84.

Martner, B.E., 1997: Vertical Velocities in a Thunderstorm Gust Front and Outflow. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 36, 615-622.

Martner, B.E., J.D. Marwitz, and R.A. Kropfli, 1992: Radar observations of transport and diffusion in clouds and precipitation using TRACIR. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 9, 226-241.

Martner B.E., 1990: Radar observation of transport and diffusion of chaff in a stratus cloud. Preprints, AMS 9th Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, 30 April - 3 May, Roskilde, Denmark. 115-118.

Martner, B.E., and J.D. Marwitz, 1990: Transport and diffusion of chaff in a convective cloud. Preprints, AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, 23-27 July, San Francisco, CA. 722-729.

Meitín, R.J., and R.A. Brown, 1990: A dual-Doppler analysis of North Dakota thunderstorms using airborne and ground-based radars. Preprints, 16th AMS Conference on Severe Local Storms, Kananaskis Park, Alberta, Canada. 225-230.

Meitín, R.J., R.A. Brown, and J.G. Meitín, 1991: Comparison of airborne dual-Doppler and airborne/ground-based dual Doppler analyses of North Dakota thunderstorms. Preprints, AMS 25th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Paris, France. 474-477.

Musil, D.J., A.G. Detwiler, D.L. Priegnitz, M.R. Hjelmfelt, and P.L. Smith, 1993: Radar and aircraft investigation of a North Dakota thunderstorm complex (10 July 1989). Preprints, AMS 26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 24-28 May, Norman, OK. 91-93.

Nair, U.S., 1991: Modeling and Observational Study of the 28 June 1989 Case from the North Dakota Thunderstorm Project. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Meteorology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD. 153 pages.

Orr, B.W., 1990: Boundary Layer Momentum Budgets as Determined from a Single Scanning Doppler Radar. M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. 116 pages.

Orville, H.D., F.J. Kopp, R.D. Farley, and G.M. Kraaijenbrink, 1993: The use of cloud models for the prediction of local cloud and precipitation conditions. Preprints, 13th AMS Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 2-6 August, Vienna, VA, 103-106.

Orville, H.D., and N.C. Knight, 1992: An example of a Research Experience for Undergraduates. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 73, 161-167.

Orville, H.D., 1992: A review of the theoretical developments in weather modification in the past 20 years. Preprints, AMS Symposium on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, 5-10 January, Atlanta, GA. 35-41.

Orville, H.D., R.D. Farley, and F.J. Kopp, 1991: The simulation of cloud seeding effects using numerical cloud models. J. Wea. Modif., 23, 17-26.

Orville, H.D., R.D. Farley, and F.J. Kopp, 1990: The simulation of cloud seeding effects using numerical cloud models. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 15-20 February, New Orleans, LA.

Orville, H.D., F.J. Kopp, U.S. Nair, J.L. Stith, and R.E. Rinehart, 1990: On the origin of ice in strong convective cells. Preprints, AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, 23-27 July, San Francisco, CA. 16-20.

Priegnitz, D.L., 1995: IRAS: Software to display and analyze WSR-88D radar data. Preprints, AMS Conf. on IIPS for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, 15-20 January 1995, Dallas, TX, 197-199.

Priegnitz, D.L., and M.R. Hjelmfelt, 1993: SUN-IRAS: An improved package for the display and analysis of weather radar data. Preprints, AMS 26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 24-28 May, Norman, OK. 335-337.

Priegnitz, D.L., 1991: The interactive radar analysis software (IRAS) package. Preprints, 7th AMS International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, LA. 173-176.

Reinking, R.F., and B.E. Martner, 1996: Feeder-cell ingestion of seeding aerosol from cloud base determined by tracking radar chaff. J. Appl. Meteor., 35, 1402-1415.

Reinking, R.F., B.E. Martner, and B.W. Orr, 1994: Cloud ingestion of seeding material determined by tracking chaff with dual-polarization radar. Preprints, Sixth WMO Conf. on Weather Modification, 27 May - 2 June 1994, PÆstum, Italy.

Reinking, R.F., and R.J. Meitín, 1993: Vortical circulations within the anvil of a High Plains thunderstorm. Preprints, AMS 17th Conference on Severe Local Storms, St. Louis, MO, 242-246. Reinking, R.F., R.J. Meitín, F.J. Kopp, H.D. Orville, and J.L. Stith, 1992: Fields of motion and transport within a sheared thunderstorm. Atmos. Res., 27, 197-226.

Reinking, R.F., R.J. Meitín, F.J. Kopp, and H.D. Orville, 1991: Fields of motion and transport within a sheared thunderstorm. Journada Internacíonales Sobré Agricultura y Modificacíon Atmosferica, 12-15 March, Zamora, Spain.

Reinking, R.F., J.L. Stith, and R.J. Meitín, 1990: Airborne Doppler radar and in situ studies of the transport of ozone and other constituents in feeder cells and anvils. Preprints, AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, 23-27 July, San Francisco, CA. 698-705.

Rinehart, R.E., 1996: Runs of Hail Days during a Hail Season. Preprints, AMS 13th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Atlanta, GA., 28 January - 2 February 1996, 91-96.

Rogers, D.C, P.J. DeMott, and L.O. Grant, 1994: Concerning primary ice nuclei concentrations and water supersaturations in the atmosphere. Atmos. Res., 33, 151-168.

Ross, C.S., 1992: Lightning Observations and Electrical Modeling Results of the 28 June 1989 Case Study for the North Dakota Thunderstorm Project. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Meteorology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD. 90 pages.

Scala, J.R., B.S. Ferrier, and W.-K. Tao, 1995: Real-time forecasting of convection during the North Dakota Tracer Experiment using the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble model. Preprints, AMS 14th Conf. on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 15-20 January 1995, Dallas, TX,

Smith, P.L., L.R. Johnson, D.L. Priegnitz, B.A. Boe, and P.W. Mielke, Jr., 1997: An exploratory analysis of crop-hail insurance data for evidence of cloud seeding effects in North Dakota. J. Appl. Meteor., 36, 463-473.

Smith, P.L., T.A. Bowen, A.G. Detwiler, J.L. Stith, B.E. Martner, and R.F. Reinking, 1996: Summary of some transport and dispersion experiments using a gaseous tracer and radar chaff. Preprints, 12th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, p 514-517.

Smith, P.L., 1995: On the minimum useful elevation angle for weather surveillance radar scans. Preprints, AMS 27th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Vail, CO, 9-13 October 1995, 669-671.

Smith, P.L., B.A. Boe, R.A. Brown, P.J. DeMott, B.A. Klimowski, B.E. Martner, H.D. Orville, R.F. Reinking, and J.L. Stith, 1994: Some results from the North Dakota Thunderstorm Project. Preprints, Sixth WMO Conf. on Weather Modification, 27 May - 2 June 1994, PÆstum, Italy, 93-96.

Smith, P.L., L.R. Johnson, D.L. Priegnitz, and P.W. Mielke, 1994: Statistical Evaluations of the North Dakota Cloud Modification Project. Preprints, Sixth WMO Conf. on Weather Modification, 27 May - 2 June 1994, PÆstum , Italy, 281-284.

Smith, P.L., J.L. Stith, A. Borho, R.F. Reinking, and B.E. Martner, 1993: North Dakota Tracer Experiment investigates cloud transport processes. The Earth Observer, 5, No. 6, 34-36.

Smith, P.L., 1993: An update on weather radar system sensitivity. Preprints, AMS 26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 24-28 May, Norman, OK. 384-386.

Smith, P.L., 1993: Cloud radar sensitivity versus operating wavelength. GEWEX Topical Workshop on Cloud Profiling Radar, 29 June - 1 July, Pasadena, CA.

Smith, P.L., Z. Liu, and J. Joss, 1993: A study of sampling variability effects in raindrop size distributions. J. Appl. Meteor., 32, 1259-1269.

Smith, P.L., 1992: Hail suppression activity around the world. Preprints, AMS Symposium on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, 5-10 January, Atlanta, GA. 28-34.

Smith, P.L., H.D. Orville, B.A. Boe, and J.L. Stith, 1992: A status report on weather modification research in the Dakotas. Atmos. Res., 28, 271-298.

Smith, P.L., H.D. Orville, B.A. Boe, and J.L. Stith, 1991: Weather modification in the Dakotas. Journada Internacíonales Sobré Agricultura y Modificacíon Atmosferica, 12-15 March, Zamora, Spain. 71-82.

Smith, P.L., H.D. Orville, and B.A. Boe, 1991: An overview of the North Dakota Thunderstorm Project. Preprints, 2nd Yugoslav Conference on Weather Modification, April, Mavrovo, Yugoslavia. Volume I, 16-24. Smith, P.L., Z. Liu, and J. Joss, 1991: Apparent Z-R relationships arising from sampling variability in raindrop size observations. Preprints, AMS 25th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Paris, France. 760-763..

Smith, P.L., and Z. Liu, 1990: Some statistics of sampling from exponential particle size distributions. Preprints, AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, 23-27 July, San Francisco, CA. 367-370.

Stith, J.L., J. Scala, R.F. Reinking, and B.E. Martner, 1996: Combined use of three techniques for studying transport and dispersion in cumuli. J. Appl. Meteor., 35, 1387-1401.

Stith, J.L., R.J. Zerr, C.A. Grainger, and R.E. Rinehart, 1995: Microphysical characteristics of clouds in North Dakota: implications for seeding decisions. Preprints, AMS 13th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Atlanta, GA., 28 January - 2 February 1996, 85-90.

Stith, J.L., 1995: In situ measurements and observations of cumulonimbus mamma. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 907-914.

Stith, J.L., J. Scala, R.F. Reinking, and B.E. Martner, 1995a: Three techniques for studying the transport and dispersion of seeding material. Preprints, Sixth WMO Conf. on Weather Modification, 27 May - 2 June 1994, PÆstum , Italy, 405-408.

Stith, J.L., and J.R. Scala, 1993: Summer storms provide abundant research opportunities for the North Dakota Tracer Experiment. The Earth Observer, 5, 28-30.

Stith, J.L., D.A. Burrows, and P.J. DeMott, 1993: Initiation of ice: Comparison of numerical model results with observations of ice development in a cumulus cloud. Atmos. Res., 32, 13-30.

Stith, J.L., 1992: New techniques for studying the microphysical effects of cloud seeding. Preprints, AMS Symposium on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, 5-10 January, Atlanta, GA. 156-160.

Stith, J.L., D.A. Burrows, and P.J. DeMott, 1992: Initiation of ice in clouds: Comparison of numerical model results with observations. Preprints, 11th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 17-21 August, Montreal, Canada, 196-199.

Stith, J.L., 1992: Observations of cloud top entrainment in cumuli. J. Atmos. Sci., 49, 1334-1349.

Stith, J.L., 1990: Observations of cloud top entrainment using gaseous tracer techniques. Preprints, AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, 23-27 July, San Francisco, CA. 532-535.

Stith, J.L., A.G. Detwiler, R.F. Reinking, and P.L. Smith, 1990: Investigating transport, mixing, and the formation of ice in cumuli with gaseous tracer techniques. Atmos. Res., 25, 195-216.

Stoppkotte, J.W., 1993: A North Dakota first-echo analysis. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Meteorology, SD School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD. 94 pages.

Stoppkotte, J.W., and P.L. Smith, 1993: What is a first echo? Preprints, AMS 26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 24-28 May, Norman, OK. 576-578.

Torgerson, K.L., and R.A. Brown, 1996: Radar signatures of updrafts within the Carson, ND hailstorm of 11 July 1989. 18th Conf. On Severe Local Storms, AMS, 19-23 February 1996, San Francisco, CA, 81-85.

Zhang, S., 1991: Two-dimensional Model Transport simulation in Clouds Compared with Observations. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Meteorology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD. 75 pages.